The life of Ethel Smyth

Tuesday 8 December 2015
Maybury Centre,36 Board School Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 5HE

Ethel Smyth

A fascinating woman she was a composer, writer, suffragette, passionate golfer and a wonderful if eccentric character. She came to live in Woking and her ashes were scattered near the golf course. Do look her up yourself. She made a brief appearance in an earlier play we did - Changing Places - but think she deserves a play of her own.

 Why now? Because 100 years ago the suffragettes were very active (Emmeline Pankhurst was arrested in the garden of Ethel Smyth's home in Hook Heath on 26 May 1913) and she was at the forefront of the movement. During the First World War she trained as a radiographer and served in a large French military hospital.

 If you would like to be part of this exciting project from the beginning then do come to our launch on Tuesday 8 December at 7.30pm at the Maybury Centre when Rib Davis (who wrote The Vision and many other plays) will set the scene.

We need researchers, fund raisers, actors, directors, light technicians, costume designers, publicists and many other roles. There will be a role for you if you would like to take part.

Looking forward to meeting you there.