Upgraded cycle track opens at Goldsworth Park

23 April 2022

On Saturday 23 April, the upgrded Goldsworth Park cycle track opened to the public!

Construction started on the much-anticipated track in February, following a public consultation.

The track features: 

  • a fully asphalted pump track which is a circuit of small mounds to help cyclists generate momentum,
  • an all-weather mountain bike circuit, and
  • a grass track circuit with features to support the existing coaching which local clubs already deliver.

The opening day saw cyclists of all ages trying out the track, with representatives from Woking and Charlotteville Cycling Club in attendance to talk all things cycling in Woking.

This upgrade follows Woking Borough Council’s successful bid to British Cycling to secure £60,000 in funding to invest in reforming the existing track, located by the lake in Goldsworth Park. The council match funded an additional £60,000.